Weekly Photo Recap: Appreciation

Posted on April 16, 2018 by Lindsay

The first full week at the house in a while means that we are getting back into the renovation swing. Let’s get to it!



Spending time away from the house renovation has effectively done three things: 1) Rejuvenated our spirits and design inspiration 2) Made us freak out that we need to jump back into our work to stay on schedule & 3) Forced us to take a minute to actually appreciate all of the work we have accomplished so far. It can be difficult to not feel defeated when you are constantly setting goals and not being able to complete every single one of them (setting manageable goals and priding myself on accomplishments is something I’m always trying to work on) but sometimes I just start walking in the bedroom, stop dead in my tracks and become overwhelmed with how amazing it feels to have projects completed.


I stopped at the hardware store after work and ended up grabbing a few new plants for the house because why not? I’m getting excited having so much greenery in the house and looking forward to bombarding every room with fun foliage.


It was Ellie’s 4th Birthday! I CAN NOT believe how fast time is flying by and how much happiness this Lil Pooch brings into my life. I picked up a toy for her on my way home and she subsequently destroyed it. What a celebration!


It’s always funny to me the objects I choose to photograph for the recaps because no matter how random, it ends up feeling like a solid reflection of the previous week. I picked up this super fun book of micro-mysteries that have become very entertaining brainteasers for Jason and I to try and “solve.”


THE WEATHER WAS GORGEOUS. I love the first really nice day of the season where everyone opens all their windows or hangs out on their porch. I had a few free minutes before heading out for dinner so I grabbed a book and Charm City Meadworks can and headed to the window bench.


To say that Jason and I were pumped to get back into renovation mode would be an understatement. A quick stop at Charmington’s before heading to the hardware store for a few more supplies.

I did take a few “before” photos although you will have to wait to see the fully finished “after” shots. The weekend kicked off some of the final touches for our office space renovation –

Later on, we had some absolutely delightful Greek food from Souvlaki Greek Cuisine.


I’m not sure what happened to my camera for the rest of the week (probably sandwiched somewhere under renovation debris) but I did manage to get a snapshot of my pancake breakfast and the diner bar atmosphere at Paper Moon.

What was the highlight of your week?

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